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Decorative colophon with representation of a skeleton

Edition data

TitleNouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires et Histoires Grotesques et Sérieuses D'Edgard Allan Poe; Bois originaux de Fernand Siméon

WorkThe Philosophy of Furniture

Editing placeParis

EditorialEditions D’Art Édouard Pelletan; Helleu et Sergent, Éditeurs


Illustration data

TitleDecorative colophon with representation of a skeleton

IllustratorFernand Siméon

EngraverFernand Siméon

Philosophy of Furniture


Location in the book (volume)2

Location in the book (page)368

Illustration measurements (in cms)2,8 X 2,8

Page measurements (in cms)21,1 x 15,6

Color/B&WBlack and white